pastor’s corner

Sunday, July 28, 2024

     Hello folks,

     The Lord be with you!

     In last week’s column, we looked at the difficult political situation in the country and how are we, as Catholics, “to reject whatever is contrary to Christ and to strive after all that does (our Faith) honor.” I mentioned that perhaps we need to see again the miracles that Jesus and His disciples worked to point us to listen more closely to Him and to trust Him more completely. 

     In today’s Gospel from the beginning of the sixth chapter of John’s Gospel, we start to see this movement of miracle to closer listening occur in the people who witnessed these miracles first-hand. The Gospel readings for the next several weeks are all from this chapter which provides us with much of our understanding of the Eucharist. We start with the multiplication of the bread and fish, which can also eventually point to how in every visible particle of the Eucharist, the whole Christ is entirely present (not just a small minuscule piece of Him, given how many Eucharistic Hosts are distributed at Masses at any one moment throughout the world). 

     God can work with all of His creation, including time and space, in ways that surpass our limited scientific understanding. For example, at every Mass, our Lord’s one sacrifice on Calvary is made present to us again. Let us ask the Lord then to grant us to see these miracles afresh through the eyes of Faith, and afterwards, amazed at the wonders He does, listen carefully to what He says to us to guide us to eternal life.

     The people’s first reaction to what Jesus had done in the multiplication of the loaves and fish was a desire to come and carry Him off to make Him their king! This straightforward reaction is pretty admirable and understandable. He feeds us; He heals us; He is merciful to us; He calls out those we don’t like for their corruption; He is smart; He is down to earth but speaks as a prophet with a direct line to God; He can organize His disciples and send them out doing equally great things wherever they go…: this guy needs to be our King!!! However, the Lord wants far greater than their initial desire, for them and for us. Lord Jesus, with the eyes of Faith let us witness these amazing events, and with ears of Faith let us hear You speak directly to us, and with the gift of pure hearts and clear minds, let us respond the way You desire.

     There continues to be much work going on around the three churches and the cemetery in our Collaborative. Hopefully the new flat roofs should be finished by the time you read this at Saint Joseph’s Church. I also want to thank Conor O’Brien of O’Brien Group Roof Consulting who very generously did the initial scans and assessments of the roofs, and then helped us get the different bids for the work from good contractors. There is also a lot going on with regards to lighting upgrades, and safety and security upgrades about which I will write more in a couple of weeks.

     God bless,

     Father Maher

p.s.: Next week’s bulletin is going to print at the same time as this one due to Carol’s vacation, so Father Kwang has helped me by writing a column in place of my own about how we are to keep holy the Sabbath.  

     Also, we will have more limited office hours while she is away, but will still be getting the phone messages, etc.