pastor’s corner

Sunday, October 20, 2024

     Hello folks,

     The Lord be with you all! 

     Jesus frequently corrects our errant thinking on a great many things. Today, he corrects his apostles’ thinking on what it means to be “great” among people. This was a subject of some importance to them! He didn’t correct just the two who demanded of Him to sit at His right and left in His Glory, but also the others who were indignant at the two, probably because they also wanted these positions of importance. Elsewhere in the Gospels, it is recorded that they argued amongst themselves which was the greatest? The effects of the Fall, that is of original sin, run deep. 

     In our day, there are many different leadership theories and philosophies, one of which is called “servant leadership,” which focuses more on the wellbeing of people with whom one is working, than on the functioning of the entity or organization that is being led. While this is a secular philosophy, a lot of people do link it precisely to what Jesus taught His disciples, and thus it points out that the wisdom of Christ can be put into practice not just in the Church but in the secular and the corporate world too. Many people really struggle with this: how to unite their work life and their spiritual life. Yet, we are called to live with the Lord 24/7, and this is possible! Again, ask the Lord to help you live more fully with Him, and increasingly view your interactions through His eyes.

     I want to bring to your attention in the coming weeks several of the projects we undertook this year to upgrade facilities. This week, the focus is the work done at the Mary Garden near the Townsend Office and Religious Education building by stone mason Joe Maney and his family to fix up the granite steps and pavers, prior to Deacon Jason installing new new railings that were donated by the company he works for, Mill City Iron Fabricators. A really nice job!

     God bless,

     Father Maher

